Main Entry: art-card-ist
Pronunciation: \ˈärt-card-ist\
Function: noun
Date: circa 2009
1. one who professes and practices an imaginative art card
2. one who is adept at creating, trading, buying and selling art cards and ACEO without bias
3. a skilled performer in the fine art of both ATC and ACEO
Artcardist. com was created by Corey Brown in 2009 as a showcase for all things ACEO and artcards. She wanted to produce an ACEO gallery that was free for the artists while supplying great information to artists and crafters who drew, traded and sold art cards.
ACEO plus Art Cards equals ARTCARDIST.
Artcardist. com was created by Corey Brown in 2009 as a showcase for all things ACEO and artcards. She wanted to produce an ACEO gallery that was free for the artists while supplying great information to artists and crafters who drew, traded and sold art cards.
ACEO plus Art Cards equals ARTCARDIST.
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