Tuesday, May 19, 2009

An artists trading card, also called an ACEO or art card is an original piece of artwork or print that is only the size of a baseball card. This 2.5 x 3.5 format is the standard for fine art cards. The artists cards are meant to be traded of course!

The problem was that only artists were trading cards in order to study each others work. Finally an artist realized that the general public would also like to trade these cards and they were made to be traded among the masses. Artist trading cards are traded at shows and through the mail.

They are originals, small editions and, most importantly, self-produced. Anybody can produce them. The idea is that you trade them with other people. Trading is usually done with other fine art card producers. Trading can be done in person or at trading sessions. It's not about money: participants in trading sessions and editions should not be charged any money. The experience of trading is the reward. There are monthly TRADING SESSIONS at different places.

If you have a favorite artists or genre, you could be lucky enough to own an original piece of artwork or two or three! Art cards should have the name of the artist and other relevant information on the back of the card. These pieces, although small, are meant to be shown. Collectors frame them or display them in trading card binders.

The difference between an art card and an ACEO is that while art cards are intended to be traded only ACEO's are produced for selling. Ebay has a large collection of art cards to choose from and artists also auction their work online. These small works of art are done in many media.

  • Watercolor
  • Oil
  • Acrylic
  • Colored Pencil
  • Pastels
  • Pen and Ink

and in many genres

  • Collage
  • Abstract
  • Surrealism
  • Impressionism
  • Expressionism
  • Realism

This art is extremely collectable and fun. Every imaginable subject is covered. Fine Art Cards are a great hobby. Check out my website www.artcardist.com or visit my other fine arts cards blogs http://www.thehistoryofartiststradingcards.blogspot.com/

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